

Hi, my name is Catherine Woods, I am vegan for the animals, if you eat animals, please watch Earthlings and have a heart. I have been working as a psychic/healing practitioner for 36 years, I am based in East Wall, Dublin 3. I was lucky enough to be born with a caul on my face (written about in the bible - the sign of the mystic or healer). Over the years I have studied palmistry, astrology, I am a dream analyst, I have studied Reiki and Seichim to mastership level. I have studied the Tarot extensively, colour therapy, mediumship etc.

I always see my clients face to face, this is very important as it's essential to build up a rapport with my client and enables me to connect with their aura and energy field. I use all my training and experience to help my clients to get to the root of their problems and to help heal them. We all heal ourselves, I am just a channel. Generally, I do an initial psychic reading (usually one a year is advisable), followed up by a few sessions of healing.

A few words of advice:

Spiritual healing is short term, a maximum of 6 sessions - never longer.

Also, genuine psychics do not ask any questions whatsoever, ie, names, date of birth etc, in fact no direct questions at all and usually don't look at their client.



Catherine's New Year's Meditation


Psychic Readings in Person
or WhatsApp Video Call

Limited appointments left in December

To make an appointment call or text me on 086 273 0399

Spiritual healing appointments
in person or remote

Lasting 75 minutes, will discover the root of your problem and heal it and will heal the symptoms - Maximum 6 sessions, for the worst issues

To make an appointment call or text me on 086 273 0399

Xmas Gift Vouchers Available

To buy a voucher call or text me on 086 273 0399

January Meditation Classes

Every Monday from 8.00 to 10.00 PM

To enroll call or text me on 086 273 0399

Tarot/Psychic readings EUR60 for the employed, reduced rate for unemployed or students. Call me on 086 273 0399 for an appointment.


Husky Rescue Ireland Ukraine Donations

Find out how to help here


Joe and Darren Podcast - 31st October 2023

Click here to listen to it.


Husky Rescue Ireland Sadie History

Sadie the akita escaped her life on a chain. She was picked up by the dog warden.she then came to our rescue centre and was promptly adopted. This is the remarkable story of her recovery. Click here and make a donation.


Animal Healing

I am an animal healer. I do animal training and healing, which I don't charge for. I have a colony of 40+ cats that I feed and neuter. I support the Husky Rescue Ireland. Please like their page on Facebook Husky Rescue Ireland Facebook page



Spiritual House Clearances

Is your life not running to plan? Are you blocked / tired or unhealthy? Difficulty meeting your soulmate? Do you feel as though bad luck is following you around? It could be that your home has blocked energy. Easily healed with one session of spiritual healing. It takes approximately 2 hours and your life will change for the better, call to make an appointment.



2025 - Mondays Guided Meditation Classes
Enrol now!

2025 - Mondays Guided Meditation Classes starting January

Healing through the Chakras, Healing with the Fairy Ring, Healing with the Mermaids, astral travel, mind projection, psychometry, mediumship, learn how to heal your life forever through meditation.

Every Monday from 8 pm to 10 pm, 10 euro per week. Enrol now, text Catherine at 0862730399.

Unemployed/oap/student rate 5 eur.

Send a message to enrol - 0862730399







Lastest Podcasts

- Click on the link below to listen to the podcast where Catherine was talking about the zoos on the radio 98FM.

"Zoos Are Barbaric, The Only Positives About Them Will Be When They Close Down"

- Listen to the podcast below to learn about animal afterlife with Catherine Woods at GoLoud Podcasts Webpage.

"Knick-Knacks, Psychic Chats and the Animal Afterlife"


Recent news clipping





Clairvoyant Canines

Catherine recently participated in Clairvoyants Canines project research done for Annie Moriart about Dogs Psychic Side to promote Husky Rescue Ireland.




Please checkout my facebook page for further details....

Catherine's Facebook page